Sunday, June 27, 2010

i love the weekends!

I love the weekends!! Since my teacher doesn't do planning on her weekends, that means that she doesn't give me anything to do either. With the exception of ESOL or PE homework, I'M FREE!! On Saturday, I was really disappointed that I didn't get to go to Stonehenge...the Saturday trip was fully booked!! :( Maybe if I'm feeling adventurous next weekend, I might be able to squeeze in a Sunday trip. So on Saturday, I moseyed around Cambridge. They had an art and craft fair going on and we passed by the open air market and then around to King's College.

My favourite thing we did was eating at "The Eagle". It's supposedly the most famous pub in Cambridge. Actually, Watson and Crick used to hang out there a lot back in the day after studying at their labs. This was also where they first announced their discovery of DNA! I thought that was pretty cool. A lot of the WW2 soldiers would spend time there also. The ceiling is covered with writing and signatures from the soldiers written with candle light and cool!

I crashed early Saturday night to get ready for Sunday adventures! Tammy, Catie, Diedre, and I were feeling up to exploring the coast! We heard about this random lavender farm about 45 mins away. Also, Tammy's teacher told her about a beach town, "Sunny Hunny," which just sounded like it would be fun to visit. We took the train to Heacham for 4 pounds! We were already starting our trip off with a great deal. After getting to the Lavender Farm, we had dinner from the kitchen. It was beef, roast potatoes, and veggies. I couldn't resist getting a lavender scone too! It was quite good. After eating, we were pretty much ready to leave for the beach....the only problem was that we weren't really sure of the bus system. To give some background info, we were kind of in the middle of nowhere. Think country backwoods. There were signs that said, "Beware of horse and carriages." SO....that being said...the buses only run by the hour so we sat in the grass for what felt like an hour waiting for the bus! Oh and to add to it, we brilliantly chose to make this trip on England's hottest day of the year.

Miraculously, the bus came!! Just when we were about to give up and walk back to the farm for directions. We took a 5 minute ride to Hunstanton aka Sunny Hunny. They were also having a carnival, so it was really crowded. And hot. The "beach" was kind of muddy and there were a lot of weird creatures. Even though we just walked the coastline, there were jellyfish laying around in the sand and other things that were unidentifiable. In the morning, the tide goes back probably about 1 kilometer...and then slowly goes back in as the sun sets. It was coming in pretty quickly though when we were there. It was a really laid back day...and for a 30 pound trip to the beach, it was well worth it. Once again, I give all the credit to the others for being able to navigate and successfully switch trains and buses. Well tomorrow begins another early morning! 5pm in Tampa means that it's 10pm here...which also means it's off to bed for me!

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